Microfocus – AppHub
Microfocus (Currently OpenText) is a multinational software and information technology business firm provides software and consultancy. AppHub software provides face to kuberneties deployments through enabling internal employees and clients to deploy applications through a simple checkout interface. Users are able to deploy any instance of MicroFocu’s software products (and respective versions) through an interface that replaces over 200 common YAML flags, allowing proof of concepts to be created near instantly. Once Deployed users are able to monitor the status of their deployments, view notifications, add additional flags, redeploy changes, or pause deployments.
I, along side the director of UX, and product directors, replaced the complexity and redundancy of writing complex YAML code in order to provide clients with quick packages of products suites to various regions within their enterprise. Simplifying the decision paralysis allowed for users to quickly decide if products should be stand alone, or utilize integration to cloud produces or on premise, behind local firewalls. Additionally, once deployed, users can access the ‘smart’ YAML editor, enabling software customization to be move beyond POCs and intro complex production environments through a quick redeploy function in the user interface.
Prototyping, UI Design, Design System Implementation, Usability Testing, Qualitative interviews, User Research
First to market Kuberneties deployment application for large scale enterprise products
Reduction in deployment time on task for engineers from 1-2 days down to 50 minutes
Enabled visibility into deployment status, region, options, and version without using various freeware integration tools